The market is at its prime, sparkling with the last hurrah of summer. Grab some of the harvest’s best for your next dinner party with this wonderful appetizer — a delicious dish from the catering team at Bon Appétit at Informatica.
Corn Cakes with Tomato Jam
by Chef Brian West, Bon Appétit at Informatica
yield 15 – 3 oz. cakes
4 ears white corn
1/3 cup red bell pepper
½ each yellow onion, diced
1 T cilantro, chopped
¼ cup crème fraiche
2 eggs
1 t baking powder
1½ cups panko
2 T brown sugar
½ t chipotle powder
½ cup cornmeal
1 T lime juice
salt & pepper
Take the corn kernels off the cobs.
Puree ½ of the corn.
In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients except seasoning and panko.
Add panko as needed to adjust moisture in the corn mixture.
This may require more or less than the amount specified in the recipe.
Season as needed; portion to 3 ounce size and panko each individual cake.
choice of:
Deep fry cakes in canola or peanut oil at 325’ for five minutes.
Sauté cakes on each side and finish in 350’ oven for ten minutes